The risks of shopping and online auctions
As with anything you do online, any time you provide details like your email address, shipping address, phone number and credit card information, your information becomes prey for cyber criminals.
Argentinean time travel – or back to the medieval ages in milliseconds
During the past Sunday, nearly 50 million people woke up without electricity in Argentina, neighbouring Uruguay and in part of Paraguay. Almost all Argentinians lost power. At the moment the public still does not know the reason, and the government initiated an investigation: how is it possible that a 21stcentury developed country finds itself from one moment to another being shut down?
11 Critical Steps for Protecting Your Family from a House Fire
About 40 years ago, people had an average of 17 minutes to escape a burning home after the activation of a smoke alarm, but now with synthetic furnishings and open floor plans, that escape time is down to three minutes or less.
Russia - Weak bear behind the bars
Recently President Trump promised to send 1,000 more US troops to Poland on a rotational base, increasing this number to a total of approximately 6,000 by now. Though Warsaw’s request for permanent US military base in Poland fell on deaf ears in Washington, Moscow is cautiously paying attention to the development. The announcement of deployment comes after Poland’s recent purchase of 32 fifth generation fighter jets (F-35 Lightning).
The importance of Due Diligence
It is said that business is calculated risk. But what if it is miscalculated? Prior to entering into a business venture, an M&A, or investing into a portfolio, vetting the target entity or future partner, should be considered essential by any reasonable investor.